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Hi Guys! How you doing? Back to the little vacations we have. Today I'm gonna talk about future jobs.
I decided to study biochemistry because it's one of this career what, when you graduate of it, can work in a lot of places, you can investigate, be a teacher of university; or maybe high school if you want, work in a laboratory, you can be a businessman, or businesswoman I don't know, you can discover about everything about science. As a biochemist, you can work in molecular biology, in medicine and health, in neuroscience, in chemistry and, of course; in biochemistry.
I would like to work in molecular biology, as a investigator; I love organism called "extremophiles", I think it's a interesting area, not to popular, but so important for the science. I imagine working in the laboratory, of course; investigating and discover new things about this incredible organisms; but at the same time, I imagine working in ground,I mean, searching this organisms in their habitat, knowing how live and how it's their habitat in the nature. 
His real name is Tardigrade, but it's famous like WATER BEAR. A animal almost indestructible
I mean, this is a work of 50/50, the middle of the time working with extremophiles as to be in outdoors, and the other middle as to be in indoors; In the laboratory. And, I don't know if I would like to work in a office, that's not sounds really funny I think.
Of course, travelling it's essential for the work; travel to the north and the south pole, or places like deserts and volcanoes; sounds funny.
The salary, for me; it's not too important, but of course; as to be a balance into passion of the work, and the money; I thing important for a society like ours.

In this moment, I'm taking a major in biochemistry. In Chile, when you study in the university, you start at the same time a major; it's not something opcional, it's a part of the educational system. I mean, I would like to take some sort of minor when I have the oportunity; for specialize in a topic. But today, I'm interested in study my career. 


  1. Sounds really intersting working half of your time outdoor and the other half indoor.


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