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HEART / the motor of the life

 The body is composed of a careful and smart system, each system is composed at the same way, of organs with specifics works and functions; the organs are composed of tissues, and the tissues, ending the idea, are composed of cells. So, the cell is wonderfull; in it, all the metabolic reactions have place, all the reactions what make possible the life occur in the cell.
 As I write, the cells make issues and the issues makes organs. Let's talk about they.
All the organs are important, except the appendix; because her function is unknown, but I think if is a organs, must have a function. One of the most incredibles and importants organs in the body is, for me, the heart. Is like a motor in the body, make all the rest of the organs turn on and never sleeps; a heroe.
 The heart is localizated in the chest, in the left side of the body. Resently, in a nature paper; scientist explain why the heart is in the left side and not in the right, the actual theory says that happen because when the human is in gestation, when the cells are building the heart, they moves more of the right side, pushing the organ for the left side of the chest. The position of the heart it's perfect for connect all the parts of the body; he is something like the boss of the circulary system.
 The roles of the heart are generating blood preassure, routing the blood, separates pulmonary and circulary systems, ensuring one-way blood flow; heart valves ensure one-way flow, regulate the blood suply and change the contraction rate and force match blood delivery to changing metabolic needs, and others.
The size of the human heart is 12 cm of large, 9 cm of widht and 6 cm of thickness; the scientist says the size of the heart if the same of the closed fist of each person.
The illness can affect the heart are; high preassure; one of the most principals and typical nowadays; high preassure make stroke, sexual disfunction, vision lost, heart attack, heart failure and others, and the obesity, fat diet, smoke and sedentary lifestyle can affect really seriously the heart.
For make the heart healthy and working perfectly we can have a healthy diet, with a lot of proteins, eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, drink water, sport, and care aggainst the fat food, like fastfood and fry. This is so important, because if we don't care our health, all the organs work bad and that make diseases.


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