Hi guys? How are you? I hope you are fine. Today, I'm gonna talk about something really important; the study programme, and for be more specific, my study programme on the university.
Well, I know, all the world say "The university is not like the school", but it's true, sadly; in the school you can answer a test without have studied before, just with the class and what the teacher said. But in the university; the teacher say a little bit of the content, all the rest is your responsibility and you have to study a lot, for understand and have good marks.
I study Biochemistry, and I have subjects like chemistry, calculus, physics, and biology; a introduction of every science. For me, calculus and physics is not to hard; because I don´t think are too much hard; I love biology and I love study it, but sometimes turn really hard and I have to focus on it a little bit more of time. Chemistry, for me, is one of the most hardly subjects in first year, because in the school, sounds really simple
and you don't have too much content to learn, but in the university all the knowledge is mixed and you have to apply all to.
I study everyday, well; somedays I fell really tired and I do something different; of course, you have to rest, and a good ide
a to relax of the stress of the university is do some sport; I do swimming and definitely relax me. A good technique is study a little everyday, so; when the test and the exams are close, you understand a big percent of all the content. I love make outlines, summarise the content and write in a diagram, some tips and important information. A good idea to study chemistry, for example, is do a lot of exercise; know all the possible ask and all the ways to resolve a problem.
I study, the middle of my time; in my house, with a good cup of coffee and nice music, and the other middle, I like to study in the university; I usually study in the library or the study rooms of the Luis Nuñez building with my friends; that's a other tip, study with friends can be funny and fruitful too, you can answer all your ask each other, but in spring, when we have sun and heat, I like to study outside.
The technology is a good friend when you have to study; I like to watch videos in YouTube to learn some tips and understand something I can't. I usually search exercise of chemistry in internet and some interesting content of biology too.
I think the teaching methods change with the people; everybody have a different type to study and a different way to learn, so; for me, I love when the teacher enjoy teaching; that is all I expect.
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