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Showing posts from July, 2017


Hi guys!! How are you doing?  The semester is ending, and this blog too. This is the last I had to write to English III; and today, I'm gonna talk about the experience of write one.  Write a blog, for me, is so different; because I don't used to write about what I think or what am I, sooo, this blog is my first experience writing in the internet.   When you study in the university, your free time is too much short than when you study in the school, but at the same time, study in the university it's too much fun.   I like write a blog, because it's like to talk in english; I have the chance to learn a lot of ways to say something, remember and know new words, and work with all my skills in english to express what I want to say, and the other people can understand me.   I think we must include in the future new thems, more currents; write about politics, science, and arts it's a little bit more interesting.  Is funny and intersting wh...